Italian Conversation
Saturdays at 11am. At present this group meets online
We’re always looking for more people! We currently meet online every Saturday on Google Meet for one hour, but we may return to meeting face to face in the library in the future.
We meet in order to speak in Italian freely, no big structure. We usually speak about what happened last week and we review the homework I assign, which is to write a short piece. Apart from me, who am Italian, everybody is learning Italian – although I am kind of learning some English as well ?. We are beginners, some slightly more advanced than others, but everybody can speak a bit. I am happy to do a session for complete beginners as well, if there’s interest, it could be 30/45 mins prior to the main event. Please get in touch.
Contact Bruno Bossola, via WhatsApp at 07446448073 or email at